

Which preworkout supplement ingredients work best?

There is a good reason caffeine and beta-alanine are the two most popular ingredients found in preworkout supplements. There is plenty of research on both ingredients, and the research is overwhelmingly positive on their ability to improve workout performance. The same is not true for tyrosine. Verdict: caffeine and beta-alanine...

whey protein muscle

Does whey protein build muscle?

Whey protein is one of the most favorably studied supplements on the market. Unlike other supplement ingredients, it consistently shows benefits for a wide variety of claims, including its ability to build muscle when combined with resistance training. The studies here include subjects of both genders ranging from, young men...


Are there any supplements that increase testosterone?

Young, healthy males on a balanced diet, will probably not see any meaningful benefits in using testosterone boosters containing zinc, tongkat ali, or fenugreek. Older males or males who have low testosterone levels may see some improvement when using these products.

similarity index

Introducing: Supplement Product Similarity Index

Supplement Product Similarity Index

Supplement products, such as pre-workouts, sleep aids, or immunity boosters, are simply a collection of ingredients such as creatine, vitamins, amino acids, and minerals. These ingredients make a product what it is. What's the difference between two products made up of the same ingredients when one costs...


What is beta-alanine?

Beta-alanine is an amino acid produced in the liver. Beta-alanine has seen a surge in popularity over the last few years. Of all the products contained in the Supplement Database, 36% of them contain beta-alanine, making it the second most popular ingredient behind caffeine.

soy protein

Final Verdict: Is soy protein worth taking?

In our series on soy protein, we covered topics including its effects on testosterone, health benefits, and body composition. Here we'll go over our findings and make a final recommendation on whether or not soy protein is worth taking.