
soy protein

Final Verdict: Is soy protein worth taking?

In our series on soy protein, we covered topics including its effects on testosterone, health benefits, and body composition. Here we'll go over our findings and make a final recommendation on whether or not soy protein is worth taking.

soy protein recovery

Does soy protein speed up recovery?

Soy protein doesn't have a great reputation in the performance world. Unfortunately, there is not a great deal of research specifically looking at soy protein to enhance recovery. However, there is some to suggest the isoflavones and saponins found in soy protein have anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties, giving it great...

creatine and cardio

Does creatine improve cardio?

For longer exercise bouts, the body uses an aerobic energy pathway; this requires oxygen. This pathway creates a lot more ATP, but requires more time. This pathway is ideal for long endurance activities such as running, swimming, rowing, biking, or less intensive sports. The question is whether creatine plays a...

compression gear

Does athletic compression wear improve sports performance?

Compression Wear

Athletic wear is a huge industry. By 2024, the industry is expected to reach over $200 billion1 in global sales. A large chunk of this market is compression wear, which apart from looking good, is supposed to improve performance and speed up recovery. There is quite a bit of...

BCAA soreness recovery

Do BCAAs improve workout recovery?

BCAAs and Recovery

A popular claim of BCAAs is improving post exercise recovery. Workouts cause damage to muscle tissue which the body repairs during rest. During rest, the body needs sufficient amounts of nutrients, including protein and essential amino acids to adequately recover. Because BCAAs are thought to increase protein synthesis,...


Is glutamine effective in improving performance or enhancing recovery?


Glutamine is one of the conditionally essential amino acids1. Under normal circumstances, the body makes enough. In certain instances, such as a critical illness, the body's requirement exceeds its production capability. In these times, the body needs an external (dietary/supplement) source, to meet its needs2.

Amino Acids 101: Essential vs Non-Essential...