
soy protein

Final Verdict: Is soy protein worth taking?

In our series on soy protein, we covered topics including its effects on testosterone, health benefits, and body composition. Here we'll go over our findings and make a final recommendation on whether or not soy protein is worth taking.

soy protein health

What are the health benefits of soy protein?

Soy protein is both praised and loathed for its supposed health benefits and risks. Some claim it protects against various cancers while others say it upends hormonal balance. Is soy a superfood or does it create more issues than it solves?

soy testosterone

Does soy decrease testosterone levels?

Fitness enthusiasts use protein supplements to increase performance gains. With interest in healthy lifestyles on the rise, many are searching for alternatives to animal products such as whey or casein proteins. Soy protein is an easy alternative as it's plant based and contains all of the essential amino acids. Resistance...


A Supplement a Day Does Not Keep the Doctor Away

In a newly released study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, researchers concluded that the use of dietary supplements are not associated with a decrease in death risk. This study looked at dietary survey results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The data included responses from over...


Fiber: Soluble vs Insoluble

Fiber is a special type of carbohydrate which the body lacks the ability to digest. Though we do not absorb any calories from fiber, it is an important nutrient which aids in many bodily functions, specifically those in the digestive system. Fiber has been linked to a decreased risk of...