Does beta-alanine improve long distance running?
Theoretically, beta-alanine should improve performance in several activities, especially high intensity or longer duration ones. Let's take a look at what the research says!
Theoretically, beta-alanine should improve performance in several activities, especially high intensity or longer duration ones. Let's take a look at what the research says!
We don't think of protein as a way to improve cardiovascular performance in the same light as we do with strength gains. If protein improves strength, does it also do the same with cardio? More specifically, does soy protein improve cardiovascular performance?
Creatine is a somewhat rare supplement in that there is plenty of evidence that backs its use. It improves strength, enhances recovery, and increases muscle mass. It does not however, work on every activity. The evidence on creatine use to improve aerobic activity, high intensity exercise, sprints, and decrease body...
There are quite a few supplements which claim to reduce muscle damage; creatine is one of them. The implications of this claim is quicker recovery, reduced soreness, and increased performance gains. There has been plenty of research conducted on whether or not creatine supplementation reduces muscle damage.
The research on creatine and cardio was at best, mixed. While cardio is long and low or moderate intensity, sprints are typically shorter and done at a much higher intensity. What we know about creatine means that it should be a perfect match for this short but high intensity type...
For longer exercise bouts, the body uses an aerobic energy pathway; this requires oxygen. This pathway creates a lot more ATP, but requires more time. This pathway is ideal for long endurance activities such as running, swimming, rowing, biking, or less intensive sports. The question is whether creatine plays a...