
Top 5 Ways for a Hard Gainer to Gain Weight

A hard gainer is a skinny person (usually male) that has an extra hard time gaining any sort of weight. It seems as though they eat and eat only to find that their weight stays the same. Hard gainers are still human and because of that, gaining weight requires the...


Exercise and the Elderly – Benefits and Recommendations

Everyone benefits from physical activity: young, old, fat, skinny, healthy and sick. While younger individuals tend to ignore health benefits in favor of the aesthetic nature of exercise, physical activity has the potential to greatly improve the quality of life for the elderly population. From increased mobility and independence to...


How do you burn calories?

The basic answer: physical activity and exercise burns calories. There are many different types of exercise. Incorporating all of them into your daily routine will create a well rounded workout that will help you reach your fitness goals. Weight Balance Your weight is determined by the relationship between how many calories you...


What’s more important: strength training or cardio?

Both strength training and cardiovascular exercise have their own specific advantages. Cardio is usually linked to weight loss and improving muscular endurance while strength training is thought of as a workout only for those wanting to get buff. While these generalizations are somewhat true, you shouldn't limit yourself to only...


Top 5 Ways to Start a Healthy Lifestyle

Starting a healthy lifestyle is more than going on a diet or buying a gym membership for your New Year's Resolution. A healthy lifestyle is about embracing a way of life that helps you avoid disease and perform at your optimal levels. It requires a balance of healthy foods, exercise...


Secrets of Diet/Exercise – Secret #5: There’s no Such Thing as the ‘Best’ Exercise Routine

Best is defined as, "the most excellent, effective, or desirable type or quality" and when it comes to working out, everyone thinks their approach is the most excellent or effective. With an almost endless amount of workout routines to choose from, one of them has to be the best, right? The...


What is cardio?

Cardio (short for cardiovascular exercise) is the term given to a certain type of exercise that keeps your heart rate elevated for a continuous length of time. With strength training, you have a minute of exercise followed by a minute of rest. With cardio, the exercise is non-stop. Cardio has many...