calorie balance

Relevant or Outdated? The 3,500 Calorie Weight Loss Rule

Weight Loss

In 1958, a now infamous study concluded one pound of body fat was equal to 3,500 calories1. It's been conventional diet wisdom for over half a century: a 3,500 calorie increase or decrease, above or below maintenance levels results in a one pound change in weight. Most diets base...


How to Gain Weight

Gaining weight, muscle and strength doesn't have to be a complicated process. You can be successful by combining an appropriate amount of calories with a solid strength training program. Since complaining about genetics will only lead to failure, a much more efficient use of your time is to simply eat...


What’s the difference between a calorie deficit and calorie surplus?

Whether you're trying to gain weight, lose weight or simply stay where you're at, you need to control your calorie intake. Gaining weight requires that you eat more calories than you burn while losing weight requires the opposite. Your calorie balance (difference between what you eat and what you burn)...


How do you burn calories?

The basic answer: physical activity and exercise burns calories. There are many different types of exercise. Incorporating all of them into your daily routine will create a well rounded workout that will help you reach your fitness goals. Weight Balance Your weight is determined by the relationship between how many calories you...