

Liquid Versus Solid Calories for Weight Loss

A calorie is a calorie is a calorie

The saying, "A calorie is a calorie is a calorie" attempts to make the point that all calories are the same. While it's true calories provide the same amount of energy regardless of source, there is a difference between how various foods affect...


Top 5 Ways to Increase Your Calorie Intake

Gaining weight, and more importantly, muscle mass is dependent on eating more calories than you burn. This calorie surplus coupled with a strength training routine is what leads to lean (muscle rather than fat) weight gain. Unfortunately, increasing your calorie intake is not as easy as eating everything in sight....


Relevant or Outdated? The 3,500 Calorie Weight Loss Rule

Weight Loss

In 1958, a now infamous study concluded one pound of body fat was equal to 3,500 calories1. It's been conventional diet wisdom for over half a century: a 3,500 calorie increase or decrease, above or below maintenance levels results in a one pound change in weight. Most diets base...


Top 5 Sources of Good Fats

Fat is one of the macronutrients providing the body with energy and essential nutrients. Fat is the most energy dense of the macronutrients providing nine calories per gram versus four calories per gram found in carbohydrates and proteins. Fat has many essential functions including nutrient absorption and hormone production. A...


Is calorie intake the same as healthy eating?

There seems to be some confusion on the difference between calorie intake and healthy eating. While closely related, the two concepts are not always the same. Many people wrongly assume limiting calorie intake and forcing weight loss equates to healthy eating habits and sound lifestyle choices. While controlling calorie intake...