How do I turn fat into muscle?

One of the biggest myths in the exercise world is that you can turn fat into muscle. Fat and muscle are two entirely different tissues. Fat is made up of triglycerides and muscle is made up of proteins. There is no mechanism to turn triglycerides into protein. Turning fat into...


Top 5 Ways to Increase Your Fiber Intake

1. Eat More Fruits. Fruit contain a lot of fiber in addition to vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Try eating fruit without pealing them since most of the fiber is contained in the peel. 2. Eat More Vegetables. Like fruit, vegetables are high in fiber and other nutrients. Vegetables are also low...


What are crash diets?

Crash diets are plans that severely restrict your calorie intake for a few days in hopes that you will lose a lot of weight in a very short period of time. Unfortunately, crash diets promise to much and delivers too little. While they do result in a lot of weight...


What supplements can help me gain weight?

In general, supplements make claims that aren't backed up by independent studies and research. They aren't regulated so they can get away with making a lot of claims. However, there are supplements that can help you gain weight faster. Two of the main ones are protein and creatine. Getting a protein...