
protein powder

High Protein Diets for Weight Loss


Protein is a macronutrient, which in addition to providing energy, also furnishes the body with the necessary building blocks to create and repair new and damaged tissue. High protein diets are typically used to gain muscle and strength, however, these same diets may provide benefits for weight loss.

The Problem with...


What is the best diet?

If you were to walk down the diet and weight loss section of your local bookstore, you would find hundreds of different diets all promising one thing: weight loss. How can you differentiate between healthy diets that deliver results and unhealthy fads that lead to failure? The best diet is...


Will this diet work?

When trying to lose weight the question is, will this diet work? The answer to that depends on the diet's prescribed caloric intake as well as the types of foods it recommends you eat. Not all diets are created equal and simply entering a calorie deficit doesn't always equal...


What are crash diets?

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