Tag - bmi

What is BMI?

Studies have shown that weight is a pretty good predictor of overall health. The heavier you are, the more at risk you become for conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and strokes. It is therefore in your interest to stay within a normal weight range. BMI The Body Mass Index (BMI) is...


Top 5 Health Myths

1. Organic Food. Organic food is marketed as the stuff that is supposed to make us healthy. It's more expensive than regular food, has green packaging and claims to prevent all kinds of disorders, how can it not be healthy. Organic food can sometimes be beneficial when compared to conventionally...


You Can’t Handle the [BMI] Truth

As of 2010, approximately 70% of Americans were either overweight or obese as defined by their Body Mass Index or BMI. Obesity related health issues are significant because they increase health care costs, decrease productivity and result in premature death. Discussing BMI invokes a great deal of passion because it...


Is BMI reliable?

The body mass index (BMI) is a tool that is used to asses health risk based on weight and height. Each height has a different healthy weight range, above which, risks of certain conditions such as heart disease, strokes and diabetes increase. What is BMI for? BMI is a great tool for...