
Top 5 Ways to Increase Nutrient Intake

Nutrients are substances the body uses to regulate life essential functions such as: hormone production, the immune system, vision and energy metabolism. Without adequate levels of essential nutrients, the cannot function optimally. Certain nutrients also lower disease risk and improve overall health. For example, fiber reduces cholesterol and cancer risk...


How to Read a Nutrition Label

Properly reading a nutrition label is a basic skill that everyone who is interested in staying healthy needs to learn. Too often, food manufacturers market an item as healthy when in fact it's no different than the average unhealthy product on the shelf. Don't Be Fooled Most of the time, people look...


Should I take a multivitamin?

With so many supplements on the market, it's difficult to differentiate between products that can help you improve your overall health and those that are simply a waste of money or even worse, potentially harmful. A multivitamin can be helpful if used properly. The American Diet's Need for Supplements. Micronutrients are substances...


Functions of Vitamins & Minerals

Functions of Vitamins and Minerals

Supplement Database - Vitamin and Minerals Vitamin A Functions: night vision, growth and repair of tissues, immune system functions Sources: eggs, dark green and yellow fruits and vegetables, dairy products, liver Vitamin C Functions: wound healing, collagen maintenance, infection resistance, essential for healthy gums...