Trans Fats
Trans Fats
Trans fats are a type of man made fat originally produced in the late 19th century. Scientists discovered they could create a vegetable oil that was solid (instead of liquid) at room temperature. Getting vegetable oils to act more like animal fat (butter, lard) was a boon for the...How much fat should I eat each day?
Myths perpetuated over long periods of time eventually become accepted as fact. One of the most prevalent diet myths says eating fat makes you fat. Fat has plenty of important functions, many of which are essential to life. Drastically reducing or attempting to eliminate your intake of fat can have...
What is fat?
Dietary fat is one of the nutrients that fuels the body. Unlike carbs and protein which give the body 4 calories per gram, fat is more than twice as energy dense, providing the body with 9 calories per gram. Though fat is associated with greasy foods such as hamburgers and...
Dietary fat is one of the three macronutrients (fats, carbohydrates and proteins) the body uses for energy. It is the most energy dense of the macronutrients, providing 9 calories per gram, compared to 4 calories per gram for carbs and proteins. Contrary to popular belief, eating fat does not makes...
Misleading Food Labels
Learning the benefits of eating health foods may convince you to start eating them. But what if the foods you start eating aren't any healthier than the ones you gave up? Misleading statements on food labels can lead to that. Whole Grains Incorporating whole foods into your diet will give you energy...