supplement ratings

Supplement Serving Sizes

Supplement Doses

Studies included in the Supplement Database conduct research on how well a supplement works for a certain claim. These studies use a specific dose when conducting their research. The database now lists those doses and how well the individual doses performed. To find these doses, navigate to a supplement's...

supplement database

What is the Supplement Database?

The Problem

Every solution starts with a problem. The problem with today's supplement industry is that many, if not most, products marketed to the masses are not based on actual science. They're based on marketing hype and pushed by those who are too smart to use these substandard products. The Supplement...

supplement ratings

What’s the difference between effectiveness and confidence ratings?

Supplement Ratings

Hundreds of studies exist on most supplements. The challenge is finding those studies and figuring out whether a supplement is effective for a specific claim. The Supplement Database analyzes studies and gives you the information you need to come to an educated decision about whether or not a...