Is fruit juice healthy?
Fruit Juice
Americans don't eat enough fruits. In a 2010 survey, an insanely high 80% of Americans did not meet fruit recommendations. Fruit juice is marketed as a healthy alternative to other sweetened beverages and as a way to increase nutrient intake. There is a high degree of controversy on whether fruit...Liquid Versus Solid Calories for Weight Loss
A calorie is a calorie is a calorie
The saying, "A calorie is a calorie is a calorie" attempts to make the point that all calories are the same. While it's true calories provide the same amount of energy regardless of source, there is a difference between how various foods affect...Top 5 Sources of Bad Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are the body's main source of energy. Recently, they have become everyone's favorite macronutrient to hate. Conventional thinking says that cutting carbs out of your diet will lead to weight loss. The only reason that a low carb diet leads to weight loss is because of calorie reduction....
Top 5 Ways to Reduce Your Calorie Intake Without Counting
Your weight is controlled by the difference between how many calories you burn and how many you eat. Losing weight is as simple as entering a state in which you burn more calories than you eat. When you do this consistently, over a long period of time, your body is...
Overview of Sugar Part 2 – Effects, Recommendations & Lowering Strategies
Americans' intake of sugar is way too high and it has no real value in the diet. We use sugar for energy which is the extent of what it's good for. Too much sugar leads to very serious health effects including obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Though dietary...
Overview of Sugar Part 1 – Definition & Sources
Sugar is addictive, bad for you in large quantities and makes everything it touches delicious. Sugar is a type of carbohydrate found naturally in some foods such as fruits and vegetables, and added to other foods such as candy bars, sodas and cookies. Like all good things, Americans tend to...
Top 5 Diet Resolution Tips
Weight loss is one of the most popular New Year's Resolutions. Though thought of as difficult, losing weight is quite simple if you follow one basic rule: burn more calories than you consume. Even if you ignore every other health guideline, following the energy balance equation still leads you to...
Top 5 Foods to Avoid for a Perfect Beach Body
1. Large Meals. Avoid eating large meals. Eating small meals will allow your body to make more efficient use of the energy you provide it. Eating large meals will force your body to store energy that isn't used as body fat leading to weight gain. If you eat small and...
Top 5 Foods to Eat For a Beach Body
1. Fruits. To help your body more efficiently use the energy you take in, you need to eat smaller, more frequent meals. You also need to eat snacks between meals so you don't get hungry and end up binging on junk food. Fruit are great intra-meal snacks because they are...