Reduce Your Calorie Intake by Replacing Bad Calories
Cutting your calorie intake is necessary for losing weight. There are plenty of strategies you can use to lower your intake, some of which can improve your overall health and help you lose weight while others will simply lead you to failure. The way in which you cut your calories...
How to Read a Nutrition Label
Properly reading a nutrition label is a basic skill that everyone who is interested in staying healthy needs to learn. Too often, food manufacturers market an item as healthy when in fact it's no different than the average unhealthy product on the shelf. Don't Be Fooled Most of the time, people look...
Differentiating between beneficial and harmful foods is the foundation of creating a healthy lifestyle. Good nutrition helps manage weight, increases energy level, improves body composition and decreases disease risk. Good nutrition isn't only for those looking to shed pounds. Everyone, regardless of weight goals, benefits from making healthy food choices. Macronutrients Nutrients...
Nutrition + Exercise = Nutrixercise
An all too often question people ask when trying to lose weight or get into shape is, "Can I achieve my goals by either exercising or dieting, not both?" While you'll certainly see results by improving your diet or increasing your physical activity level, these improvements...Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are the body's main source of energy. Carbs provide the fuel your body needs to perform everyday tasks such as digesting food, physical activity and keeping the all of the organs powered up. Without carbs, your body will underperform in a wide variety of tasks. Though low carb diets...
Save on Groceries
Grocery shopping is a ritual that everyone has to go through. Unfortunately, this ritual can sometimes get expensive and in a time when saving even the smallest amounts of money matters, grocery shopping offers an opportunity to save a lot. Coupons When you're talking about saving on groceries, the first subject that...
Dietary fat is one of the three macronutrients (fats, carbohydrates and proteins) the body uses for energy. It is the most energy dense of the macronutrients, providing 9 calories per gram, compared to 4 calories per gram for carbs and proteins. Contrary to popular belief, eating fat does not makes...
Shopping for Healthy Groceries
If diet and nutrition have a sizeable impact on your health, then the grocery store is an opportunity where if you improve your habits, your health will follow. Supermarkets have a wide selection of foods. Healthy, unhealthy and in between are all there. The foundation of food you build your...
The Elements of a Good, Complete and Healthy Diet
There are a few principles to understand when creating a diet that is complete, healthy and enjoyable. The amount, variety and moderation of the foods you eat can determine whether or not your diet will benefit or harm your health. Weight Management The amount of food you eat is the most important...