
Is it bad to eat the same thing every day?

There's a vast and almost endless supply of food available to us Westerners, both in terms of quantity and variety. With so much to choose from, why are many of us stuck eating the exact same thing every day? When describing a healthy diet, the term "balanced" is thrown around...


Should I take a multivitamin?

With so many supplements on the market, it's difficult to differentiate between products that can help you improve your overall health and those that are simply a waste of money or even worse, potentially harmful. A multivitamin can be helpful if used properly. The American Diet's Need for Supplements. Micronutrients are substances...


Functions of Vitamins & Minerals

Functions of Vitamins and Minerals

Supplement Database - Vitamin and Minerals Vitamin A Functions: night vision, growth and repair of tissues, immune system functions Sources: eggs, dark green and yellow fruits and vegetables, dairy products, liver Vitamin C Functions: wound healing, collagen maintenance, infection resistance, essential for healthy gums...