Tag - diet

best diet

What is the best and most effective diet?

The past decade has seen an explosion of new diet and weight loss strategies. A quick Google search of 'top diets' bombards you with endless options including low carb, DASH, paleo, keto, intermittent fasting, veganism, and even gluten-free strategies.

BCAAs and weight loss

Do BCAAs make weight loss easier or more effective?

BCAAs and Weight Loss One of the main alleged benefits of BCAA supplements is their ability to make weight loss more efficient. BCAAs are supposed to maintain muscle mass during weight loss, keep you out of a catabolic state, and give you energy during fasted cardio sessions. Let's see whether the...


Relevant or Outdated? The 3,500 Calorie Weight Loss Rule

Weight Loss In 1958, a now infamous study concluded one pound of body fat was equal to 3,500 calories1. It's been conventional diet wisdom for over half a century: a 3,500 calorie increase or decrease, above or below maintenance levels results in a one pound change in weight. Most diets base...


Muscle Diet

Those looking to gain weight are told over and over again to eat all foods, all the time. If you aren't eating you aren't gaining, right? This is true, but if you take this advice, you’re much more likely to get fat and unhealthy rather than muscular and in shape....

fast food HIIT exercise


Nutrition + Exercise = Nutrixercise An all too often question people ask when trying to lose weight or get into shape is, "Can I achieve my goals by either exercising or dieting, not both?" While you'll certainly see results by improving your diet or increasing your physical activity level, these improvements...


Quick Weight Loss: Why It’s Unhealthy

Everyone is always looking for the quickest and easiest solution to just about everything, weight loss included. Losing weight isn't a quick or easy process. If you want a time frame, think about how long it took you to gain the weight you're now trying to lose. If it took...