
Top 5 Ways to Increase Nutrient Intake

Nutrients are substances the body uses to regulate life essential functions such as: hormone production, the immune system, vision and energy metabolism. Without adequate levels of essential nutrients, the cannot function optimally. Certain nutrients also lower disease risk and improve overall health. For example, fiber reduces cholesterol and cancer risk...


Is it bad to eat the same thing every day?

There's a vast and almost endless supply of food available to us Westerners, both in terms of quantity and variety. With so much to choose from, why are many of us stuck eating the exact same thing every day? When describing a healthy diet, the term "balanced" is thrown around...


Top 5 Weight Loss Killers

Successful weight loss plans are all based on one simple principle: burn more calories than you eat. Unfortunately, this principle has some complicated pitfalls that limit success. Ignoring calorie intake, eating excess junk food and physical inactivity are the quickest ways to kill weight loss. 1. Ignoring Calorie Intake. A