cheat days


Dieting has a negative connotation associated with it. Who wants to give up the foods they love, be hungry all day and go crazy counting calories? All that doesn't seem very fun. The truth is that dieting for losing or even gaining weight isn't about depriving yourself or going crazy...


Cheat Days

For most people the definition of a diet is to reduce calories in order to lose weight. Most of the calories that are cut come from the foods that many of us find delicious such as chips, sweets and fast food. It's a bad idea to eat these on a...


Can I eat my favorite foods while dieting?

Dieting is about changing your eating habits to lose weight. Unfortunately, diets are associated with eating to live instead of eating to enjoy. A diet that only sustains you won't last very long because it's extremely difficult to become accustomed to foods you don't enjoy. It's even harder to give...