Tag - body fat percentage


Top 5 Benefits of High Protein Diets

High Protein Diets

High protein diets are more mainstream than ever. Bodybuilders, powerlifters, and plain gymrats use these diets to increase muscle mass while others see benefits in terms of improved body composition, weight loss, and more efficient dieting. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of protein is only 0.8 grams per kilogram...


Top 5 Ways to Burn Fat

Body fat is excess energy. When you consume more energy than you burn over a long period of time, you gain weight. This calorie surplus, when combined with physical inactivity, leads to unwanted weight gain, most likely in the form of body fat. The only way to rid yourself...


Body Fat & Body Density Calculator


Body Fat & Body Density Calculator

The body fat & body density calculator takes skinfold measurements that you obtained with a caliper and plugs them into an equation that tells you what your body fat percentage is. Sex Male Female Age Method Seven Site Three Site - Men: (chest, abdomen, thigh) Three Site - Men: (chest, triceps, subscapular) Three Site...


Abs Exercise Routine

Your abdominal muscles are the same as any other muscles in your body. They work similarly to your biceps, triceps and hamstrings, so why is it that we treat them so differently? Abs cover a large part of your body and a well defined midsection says, "I'm in shape." Midsection Fat Because...