

Is creatine worth taking?

Creatine is a somewhat rare supplement in that there is plenty of evidence that backs its use. It improves strength, enhances recovery, and increases muscle mass. It does not however, work on every activity. The evidence on creatine use to improve aerobic activity, high intensity exercise, sprints, and decrease body...

BCAAs and Aerobic Performance

BCAAs and Aerobic Exercise

BCAAs and Aerobic Exercise

In the previous post (BCAAs and Strength Training), we discussed whether BCAAs were effective in increasing strength. The same reasons BCAAs SHOULD increase strength are the same reasons they SHOULD increase aerobic performance. In this post, we'll go over research specifically looking into BCAAs and aerobic...

running shoes

Creatine and Aerobic Performance

Creatine and Aerobic Performance

Creatine is one of the most popular supplements available. When thinking of its possible benefits, we typically imagine gaining muscle, strength, and overall size. Rarely do we think creatine has the potential to increase cardiovascular or aerobic performance.

Basic Creatine Explanation

After you eat fats, carbs, and proteins, the...