My Diet Isn’t Working
So you cut your calories and started eating healthy foods but when you weigh yourself, you keep getting the same number. There are plenty of reasons why you are not losing weight, so it is important that you try and fix your mistakes rather than get frustrated and quit your diet all together.
Calorie Balance
Calories are what give our body energy to move, think, exercise and simply stay alive. Everyone needs a certain amount of calories to function properly. If we eat more calories than we burn, our body will store the excess energy as fat for later use and the result will be weight gain. If we burn more calories than we eat, our body will be forced to use existing fat stores for energy and the result will be weight loss. If we eat the right amount, our body weight will remain the same.
The most important aspect of a diet is the number of calories you eat per day. If you are healthy and you eat less than you burn, the only possible outcome is weight loss. When on a diet that is not working, your first step should be to start counting your calories very carefully. A common mistake when keeping track of calories in your head is to underestimate how much you are eating. If you think you are eating 1,500 calories but are actually taking in 2,000, your diet will not work.
Keep Track of Your Calorie Intake
Instead of estimating your calorie intake, write down what you eat. It is very important to make sure you eat as many portions as you count. For example if you drink a glass of milk, make sure you only drinking eight ounces, which is one serving. A lot of people usually pour juices, milk and soda into a huge cup that is equal to three or four servings. Instead of counting four servings in your head, you would only be counting one. If you do this repeatedly, it will throw your calorie count off and put your diet in jeopardy.
If you are counting your calories correctly but still find it hard to lose weight, you may need to further decrease your calorie intake. Use the Calorie Calculator to help you estimate how many calories you are burning and how many you need to eat.
Types of Food
The types of food you eat can also have a bearing on how much weight you lose. Minimize the amount of sugar you eat since it is digested very quickly. If you do not use that energy right away, your body will store it as fat causing weight gain. If you eat foods that are high in complex carbohydrates and fiber, digestion will happen a lot slower and your body will be able to use that energy over a longer period of time without storing it as fat.
Track Progress
People sometimes forget that to ensure a diet is working, progress needs to be tracked on a regular basis. You can evaluate your diet’s success through your weight, fit of clothes and how you see yourself. Weighing yourself on a scale is an excelling, objective way to measure how well your diet is working.
You should try to weigh yourself every other day to make sure that you are losing weight. If you do not weigh yourself often enough, it will be too late when you realize your diet is going in the wrong direction. When weighing yourself, look at overall trends from week to week. Your weight can fluctuate from day to day so making changes because you gained a pound overnight is unnecessary.
The Bottom Line
Diet is only half the equation. Cutting excessive calories from your intake will leave you feeling tired and unable to properly function through the day. Exercising on a regular basis combined with a calorie restricted diet will help you attain your ideal weight in a healthy way.