
You Can’t Handle the [BMI] Truth

As of 2010, approximately 70% of Americans were either overweight or obese as defined by their Body Mass Index or BMI. Obesity related health issues are significant because they increase health care costs, decrease productivity and result in premature death. Discussing BMI invokes a great deal of passion because it...


Secrets of Diet/Exercise – Secret #4: Too Much Protein Makes You Fat

Fats, carbohydrates and proteins are a group of nutrients known as the macronutrients. Macronutrients are the body's source of energy (calories) fueling daily activities, exercise and recovery from injuries. Protein is a special macronutrient because unlike fats and carbs, it provides the building blocks for all tissue within the body....


Recipe: Vegan Protein Waffles

Waffles are a popular breakfast food, but unfortunately, healthy vegans have two main problems with them: 1) they are usually unhealthy, and 2) are typically made from off-limit animal products, specifically: eggs and milk. After a few trial batches, I've finally settled on a healthy, vegan and simple recipe that's...


Things That Annoy Me #3 – Sauna Use (Sweating Doesn’t Cause Weight Loss)

The sauna is a magnet for overweight people who want to lose weight. While sweating out buckets of water causes a temporary drop in weight, saunas do nothing for long term weight prospects. A sauna, or any hot environment, forces the body to sweat for temperature control. You're not sweating...


The Calorie Project – Update 3: How Calorie Intake & Energy Expenditure Affect Body Weight, Body Fat %, Strength and Appearance

When I first started The Calorie Project, my ultimate goal was to gather enough data in order to analyze the relationship between calorie intake, energy expenditure, weight and body fat. Fully understanding these relationships would allow me to gain, lose or maintain weight more precisely without having to guess the...

protein powder

War on Bulking: Part 2 – The Typical Bulking Cycle

In Part 1 of The War on Bulking, I discussed the mentality of the typical bulker. This "do anything to gain weight" attitude negatively impacts health. Though many bulkers claim to be healthy, their actions suggest they are much more concerned with gaining unlimited amounts of body weight than...