12 Healthy Habits of Christmas – Day 2 – Be Informed
To continue with our 12 basic habits of the holidays, today we have part two: be informed.
Thomas Jefferson once wrote that “information is the currency of democracy.” This website is no CNN; but nonetheless, (useful) information will certainly ameliorate any healthy living journey. I found this axiom to be true as I started exercising and eating for sports improvement.
I would follow behaviours such as lift weights for hours on end, eat three gigantic meals, and not get enough rest. These seemed to make sense and I thought they would help me look like Pablo Popovitch. Had I done my research prior to starting my program, I would have known that this is not the best way to get in shape.
*On a side note, the interwebz are notorious for having so much information that it is easy to drown in. To combat this and stay afloat, I would recommend narrowing your searches.
Something like “good exercises” will yield too many results, whereas “circuit training for weight loss” may not. Also, not all information is created equal, and some sources are not very reliable; make sure you know who disseminating your information.*